The Anxious Voice

I am the voice that isn’t you,
Tainting every thought with doubt,
Whispering words, all untrue,
Rationality seeping out.
Tainting every thought with doubt,
Repeating questions over again,
Rationality seeping out,
Why do I feel this mental pain?
Repeating questions over again,
Are you sure you locked the door?
Why do I feel this mental pain?
What the hell are you worrying for?
Are you sure you locked the door?
Why did that person say those things?
What the hell are you worrying for?
This is all that anxiety brings.
Why did that person say those things?
Constant questions hear no answers,
This is all that anxiety brings,
Mentally ill, with thoughts turned cancers.
Constant questions hear no answers,
Whispering words, all untrue,
Mentally ill, with thoughts turned cancers,
I am the voice that isn’t you.
By Paul Webster