Moving On and Loving One

There once was a family who struggled and fought;
To add one child from a lonely nought.
This story is one you probably know;
Of the IVF and the Embryo.
Of a couple trying for months to conceive;
Their emotions unravelling from a once tight weave.
Up at the hospital and stood in line;
Waiting with others and watching the time.
The great number of people hoping they might;
Win just once in this gut-wrenching fight.
To have the family they had long desired;
Their hope never wained, wavered, nor tired.
Some having struggled through numerous tries;
Telling tales of failure through tear-filled eyes.
When eventually our family’s embryo survived;
To give them the child for which they’d strived.
A promise was made to cherish their son;
As he was likely to be the only one.
So, why the title ‘Moving On…’;
If the happy ending’s said and done?
Despite being the happiest family you’ll meet;
Deep inside they felt incomplete.
Having two children was this couple’s dream;
To provide a sibling and complete the team.
Unfortunately this was not meant to be;
Due to heart complications and the IVF fee.
From here developed a feeling of shame;
A hint of sadness when a new birth came.
A feeling that one can easily hide;
But is overwhelming deep down inside.
Never again experiencing that newborn smell;
A painful thought for this family to tell.
A state of loss and a chance denied;
The talks that are had and tears that are cried.
The catharsis aids in accepting fate;
To let go of dreams and close the gate.
To understand the selfishness of your plight;
Forgetting the couples still in their fight.
Battling and striving to have one child;
And the tests on which their dreams are piled.
What they would give to be in the shoe;
Of the parents eagerly wishing for two.
This is a narrative based on life;
And the journey of myself and my wife.
We’ve supported each other through trials so far;
And realise just how lucky we are.
The desire for more has gradually waned;
Because all that we need is Isaac James.
By Paul Webster
Beautiful, heartfelt, poignant.