A Pogonophile’s Love

Starting a beard is like planning a child;
Shaving day is calm and mild.
As soon as the hair is born to the world;
Into responsibility you are hurled.
Making sure it is healthy and strong;
So one day it will grow thick and long.
The moment you see the grains of stubble;
There’s more than just you in your personal bubble.
Just like a baby, at first it is tough;
Making you look untidy and rough.
But as it grows your confidence soars;
Feeling the strength sprouting from your pores.
Soon you reach a difficult place;
When the ‘itchy stage’ takes over your face.
But have no fear, it does not last;
Just like your baby, it soon grows fast.
Then you reach the medium beard;
When personal care becomes more weird.
Buying products that were previously unknown;
Filling up shelves, taking over your home.
Like beard shampoo, oil and wax;
Make you smell and feel great, those are the facts.
A daily routine of nurturing and care;
Is something that with a parent you share.
Without this passion it would not thrive;
A child and a beard need love to survive.
So, don’t feel scruffy and do not hide;
Wear your bushy beard with pride.
By Paul Webster
Love it sir! Very clever! I might just have to share this on my beard related social media platforms!
Much obliged!
By all means, share away! Just point people back in this direction, if you’d be so kind 😉
Indeed I have!
Love it sir! Very clever! I might just have to share this on my beard related social media platforms!
Indeed I have!