The Passionate Peer Supporter

When I am asked “what is your role?”;
“To achieve whatever your slinging goal”.

A Baby-wearing Peer Supporter, am I;
Whether ring sling, woven or mei tai.

No matter the sling, I will endeavour share;
The knowledge I have to help you wear.

At a slingy demo or larger meet;
Supporters help you find your feet.

A tiny squish? Have no fear;
Reassuring advice is what you’ll hear.

A seasoned slinger, but new to a make?
We’re here no matter how long it takes.

To help a parent have their child close;
A feeling that is better than most.

Witnessing the look of love in your eyes;
And your nervousness eventually dies.

Satisfaction is an exciting thing;
To see your baby asleep in a sling.

We will aways go the extra mile;
To bring to your face an accomplished smile.

We don’t do this role for money or fame;
That certainly isn’t the name of our game.

Supporting our community is payment enough;
To make parenting life less stressful and tough.

Our love for slings will never grow out;
Long after our children are walking about.

We will be here for the next generation;
Spreading sling love across the nation.

By Paul Webster