To Be a Sling Dad

To fully explain why slings are for me;
I will write out my story for all to see.
Our journey began with disappointments and frowns;
It certainly had its ups and its downs.
We struggled to conceive the natural way;
Until IVF put our worries at bay.
Watching our fetus develop and grow;
Beginning as our only embryo.
From that moment on I just couldn’t hide;
My feelings of joy and fatherly pride.
The day soon arrived and Isaac was born;
Promises were made and vows were sworn.
To grow from a man and into a dad;
And guide him through the good and the bad.
I would tackle the nappies and late night feeds;
Whatever the wants and whatever the needs.
Fast forward two years I’m a dad in full swing;
There’s no doubt in my mind this is thanks to the sling.
Before I carried I was a father in fear;
Driving hands tied and unable to steer.
I lacked control and that parental bond;
A happy exterior I skilfully donned.
But, I now stand tall Isaac strapped to my side;
Full of confidence and baby-wearing with pride.
The passion of slings has encompassed my soul;
Filling my body and making me whole.
Sharing this love is the next great thing;
And the reason I’m now Peer Supporting.
Whether it be shouting “sling spot” loud in the street;
Or helping out at my local sling meet.
The Sheffield Slings community, all are second to none;
And are now like a family, to me, my wife and my son.
So to end this little poem I have a final thought;
A parent should have access to answers that are sought.
My mission to help in spreading the word;
A baby-wearing message that needs to be heard.
Whether mother or father, you should not care;
This closeness is something that either can share.
When my son’s fully grown and flown the nest;
Slings is the subject I want to know best.
If you want your baby close enough to be kissed;
I will continue to support and assist.
By Paul Webster
Babywearing definitely has it ups and downs at the start. It is wonderful supportive people online and at sling meets that helped me find my wrapping confidence.
Thanks for sharing your beautiful poem!